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Dear Lindsey Graham

Dear Lindsey Graham.
Shut up already, you’ve already convinced us you have no morals, there are no extra points. I used to think you did. During the 2016 election presidential campaign when you were still a candidate, I saw you on the Late show and was thinking, this guy knows how to speak to Americans. That was one of the funniest interviews Colbert put on. I said to myself, if this guy was president we’d be okay. But when I talked to my parents they said be wary, Lindsey Graham can be crazy, and I said psh, if he cracks jokes like the ones he did he can’t be crazy. You proved me wrong.
Your performance during the Kavanaugh hearing was a disgrace. Kavanaugh went full conspiracy nut in front of your face, yet you had the gall to say the Democrats put on a sham. Legitimizing Kavanaugh shows that you are not only a coward, but responsible for the shitstorm America is being dragged through.
I am a liberal because of the math. I see that proactive policies like higher tax rates for business and funding for social programs and environmental issues are cheaper than reactive policies like increasing funding for hurricane relief. I believe in immigration because immigrants are shown to boost the economy, both legal and illegal. I believe in planned parenthood because it provides services necessary for a safe sexually active population. I believe even believe in a strong military because it drives technological development, immigration and emigration, as well as global security. All these beliefs are based on the math, the science of the issues, these beliefs are not bought and paid for by Soros. It is not only offensive to me, but dangerous. Your action encourage anti-intellectualism to a dangerous degree, it encourages pizzagate shooters, tiki torch marches, riots, and corruption. You are bringing about environmental abuse, sexual abuse, gun abuse. You are in a position of power granted to you by the american people and dismissing half your constituents as mindless soros funded crisis actors is legislative malpractice and paves the way for mainstream fascism.
You are also a coward. You were not born under a rock, you know exactly what you are doing, you can see every drop of your hypocrisy. Everybody knows someone who was a victim of sexual assault, someone who suffered from climate change or corporate scams. You know that you are hurting your constituents, your family, your friends, you can see the pain that you cause but you are a coward so instead of owning up, you legitimize a Soros conspiracy nut to the highest court of the land so you don’t have to face your guilt.


